Business Goals for 2017 Social Media Marketing

Have you got a social media strategy for your business for 2017, if not keep reading to find out what discovery paths that matter in social media marketing that help customers find the right business online.

SEARCH. The search path occurs when the customer is “searching” for a company, product, or service. The search path is the province of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), largely on Google but also on sites such as Yelp or Amazon that work via “keywords” to help customers find stuff that they want. AdWords advertising is also helpful in this path.

REVIEW / RECOMMEND / TRUST| These paths are based on “trust indicators.” In it, the customer already has created a list of vendors that they might use, but he is researching “whom to trust.” In this path, a customer might use the “reviews” and/or “stars” on Google or even Facebook reviews as “trust indicators” to predict which business are good (or bad)

EWOM (electronic word of mouth) / SHARE / VIRAL|

For Example: ‘Yum! Our food was great, lets take a picture of the meal & upload it on Instagram and tag #foodporn) The share path occurs when a customer loves the product, service, or experience enough to “share” it on social media – be that via electronic word of mouth, a share on his or her Facebook page, a “selfie” on Instagram, or a viral video on YouTube.

INTERRUPT | Interrupt marketing occurs when you want to watch a YouTube video but before you can watch it, you have to view an annoying ad, or when you get a spam email. An interrupt path is largely used in advertising and largely used to “push” products that people aren’t proactively looking for.
BROWSE. The browse path is all about getting your message adjacent to what a person is reading or viewing on the Internet. In it, you’re looking for something, reading something, or watching something, and alongside comes something else. For example, you go to YouTube to look up ‘Jeremy Clarkson,” and in the suggested videos at the end is a video for Amazon Prime. Or you see The Grand Tour trailer videos suggested at the right of the screen. You’re not proactively looking it, but you see their information as you “browse” for related content on sites like YouTube, Facebook, or blogs.


All of these paths can come into play in an effective social media marketing strategy. In an overhyped online world many businesses feel like they “must” be on Twitter, or they “must” have a presence on all social media platforms. Social media guilt, however, is to be avoided: if you define a clear business value proposition, know where your customers are, and establish clear goals and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), you’ll be able to focus on those social platforms that really help you and ignore the ones that are just hype.

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